Wednesday, January 16, 2008

fabulous things

For Christmas I got a Gocco Machine from Jimmy. So I tried it last night....

And the final product...

I think they turned out pretty well. I need to purchase more supplies so I can keep practicing. Need to make sure I'm a pro for when I start printing out the wedding invitations.

The other fabulous thing I got was:

Blinc Kiss Me Mascara

Kiss Me Mascara is not an oil-based paint like most mascaras. It is a uniquely formulated mascara that forms tiny "tubes" around your lashes that will not smudge, run, clump, or flake and requires only water to remove.

And its FREAKING AWESOME! I tend to rub my eyes a lot throughout the day, leaving me with raccoon eyes. The other mascaras that I've tried are waterproof, but not smudge proof. PLUS they are bitch to take off. Kiss Me Mascara is a cinch! It just rolls off with water. LOVE IT!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

engagement pix

Over the Thanksgiving holiday Jimmy and I took our engagement pictures. We had a great time shooting around San Francisco with our photographer Bronwyn. These are the teasers she gave us today, the rest should come in 2 weeks!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


This is why I never take my engagement ring off!
my ring

Monday morning, I noticed that my engagement ring was missing. What immediately followed was a panicky, frantic hunt, throwing the already messy house into even more disarray. I knew I had it the previous Tuesday, our 3rd year anniversary, because I cleaned it right before we went out to dinner. I knew I had it on Friday, when I was cutting color swatches for KenzieKate, because it was pinching my finger when I was using the scissors on the tough paper. After that, I neither remembered having it nor not having it. Where had I been? Where did I see it last? Could it have fallen off? Did someone take it? My entire Monday was spent in a daze, trying to remember what I did with it.
Then, I remembered putting it on the coffee table, while I cut swatches. I had taken it off, because it was hurting my finger. I remember putting it in a box lid, so it wouldn't fall on the floor. Then I remembered putting scraps from my paper swatches in the same box lid so I didn't make a mess. Then, as far as I can remember, I left them there. The ring in the lid, with the scraps. Once I remembered, I immediately went on the hunt for that box lid. It wasn't on the coffee table any more. We had cleaned the room on Saturday morning. One of us must have dumped the scraps into the garbage, not knowing or remembering the ring was in there. Then came the frantic search thru the trash. Not in there. Then the horrible realization that the trash had been picked up that morning. Oh God. All the trash from the week before. The trash from Saturday too. It was all at the city dump by the time I realized what had happened on Monday night.
I've lost things in the past, important things, but never something this meaningful. I had pictured giving this ring to my children as a family heirloom. My friend made this ring with her own two hands, especially for Dell and I. It was my "something blue" at my wedding. It is the single most meaningful gift I have ever gotten. And now it's gone. I feel a little silly being so upset about this. But I can't describe how much I feel I've lost.
I know that most of you have just gotten your rings, and you love them, and you can't imagine ever loosing sight of them for even a second. So I guess that makes this blog post pretty much a huge downer? I promise that tomorrow I'll write about something awesome and cheerful. Just don't hate me if there are no engagement ring posts for a while. The wound is still pretty fresh.

ACK!!!!!!!! I think I would absolutely DIE! KenzieKate makes really cute invitations .

Friday, September 21, 2007

lucky me!

Look what Jimmy came home with! I was quite surprised!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I received this email last night:

Weddingbee is having a free giveaway everyday and on Sunday the giveaway was a $50 gift certificate to Ideal Favors, a great resource for favors, stationery, parasols, and more.

Woohoo! I wonder what I should get?

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Wasn't really thinking about doing a Groomscake for Jimmy since he doesn't particularly love cake. But I thought this cake was cool, esp for those Wii lovers.

And of course guess who makes it...Martha.
She is on the cover of Wired.

This cake looks freakin hard to make.
Bake a Wii Cake

You rock at Wii Sports, but Wii baking? That takes a little more practice -- especially if you want to make a ginormous cake like the one on our front page. Here are a few pointers for creating the perfect confectionery console. Serve with Mii sugar cookies and chocolate milk for extra points.

1. Prepare two sheet cakes, but -- critical tip -- omit the baking soda. You're building narrow and high, so you need dense, structural material. Chill overnight in the refrigerator.

2. Carve the rough shapes of the Wii, the base, and the remote, and stand the Wii piece upright. While they're still separate, frost everything with butter cream icing (heavy on the egg whites). Let dry. Chill for an hour in the freezer. Then -- second critical tip -- give the Wii another coat of buttercream for more solidity.

3. Place the base on a serving platter. Roll out fondant icing to a quarter-inch thick and drape it over the base, then trim. Fold fondant around the remote, too, and trim.

4. Make buttons out of fondant cutouts, stuck on with melted chocolate. Or use buttercream instead, piping it on with a round-tipped pastry bag.

5. Use metallic luster dust dissolved in a little orange or lemon extract to paint on your arrows and writing. Or use a little melted chocolate. Let dry for half an hour.

6. Third critical tip: Internal reinforcement is key. Insert straws (trimmed to below the frosting line) inside the base to add rebar-like strength. Put the Wii on top of the base and poke dowels or a few more straws vertically through the whole thing.

7. Do not eat! Your Wii cake is full of sticks and, absent the baking soda, will taste like old Atari cartridges.

What a waste of a cake. Can't even eat it!

On to cakes we can eat!

But with dark purple orchids.